Your SU

Mission Statement

‘To work democratically so that all learners have an equal say in decisions that affect their college life, and to advocate on behalf of those learners to represent their interests and views and promote and protect their welfare.

To organise and encourage learners to participate in events and fundraising by offering equal opportunities for all and engaging learners in a fun and inclusive way.’



What do we do? 

Student Voice
Representing the students of Barnsley College is at the core of what we do and we are determined to strengthen our activity and impact by engaging an ever wider range of students, ensuring that we are relevant to the needs of all those we represent. Please see our Student Voice page for more information.

Student Rights
We will promote and protect the rights of students to access the personal and study support that they require to get the most out of their education. We will campaign for, and on behalf of, the rights of our students.

Student Opportunities and Employability
We will provide opportunities for students to develop their employability skills by providing relevant and appropriate volunteering opportunities in your local community. We are committed to students gaining essential work skills.

Student Democracy
We will provide a democratic decision making structure that enables students to develop their citizenship qualities. We aim to encourage a more diverse and inclusive Student Union committee membership that is truly representative of our student population.

Students Green and Ethical Aspirations
The Students’ Union will strive to be a green union by empowering students to reduce their environmental impact by encouraging, rewarding and celebrating practical environmental improvements. We hope to be at the forefront of social and environmental campaigning.

Student Lifestyle
The Students’ Union will strive to be the heartbeat of student life and to provide an environment that is fun to be involved with at any level, in any capacity, by anyone. We also aim to promote and facilitate student involvement and ownership of all student union activities and we will create and facilitate societies where students can feel involved and valued.

Have a read of what your Students' Union President has to say!